Rakhangi  is the most effective supplier of Industrial Gases. Our product range comprises of the following Industrial Gases :

Argon is a typical non reactive gas and features are as under :

Needed  in places where Nitrogen is not found sufficiently inert.

Needed where low thermal conductivity is required. 

Gas has heat isolating effect.

Used  for many industries like, steel, iron, Non ferrous metal, metal refining, inert and purge storage vessels and pipe lines, metal heat treatment, to fill lamp bulbs to protect tungsten filaments and extend life.

Argon is inert to substances at all temperature and pressures.

Gas of choice when super-inertness is needed for high temperature process or metal working.

It is blown into furnaces to stir  molten metal and for flushing other gases from the melt, mainly in  production of stainless steel. It is also widely used as a shielding atmosphere in welding, metal fabrication, aluminum processing, microelectronics, glass coating and advanced ceramics.
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